How to Draw Interiors Fast?

If you want to speed up your sketching, here are some of my key tips to help you draw faster without losing quality:

1. Practice Gestural Drawing:

Quick, loose sketches help capture the essence of your subject. I love practicing with live model drawings—it’s a fantastic way to improve speed and fluidity.

2. Master Marker Techniques:

Learn how to use different marker widths. For example, a wide chisel nib is great for covering large areas quickly, while a thin nib is perfect for finer details. Rotate the marker in your hand to create lines with varying thicknesses.

3. Leave White Space:

Don’t feel the need to color every single detail. Leaving white space gives your drawing air and makes it feel more alive. Let your sketch breathe!

4. Use What I Call “Enlivenings” in My Book “The SKETCH. Interior Design Drawing”:

These are quick fine-tuning touches—add accents or a few design objects to bring your sketch to life in seconds.

5. Time Yourself:

Set a time limit. Often, working under pressure forces you into your creative brain, bypassing overthinking. Quick sketching is liberating!

6. Use a Limited Color Palette:

Choose a palette of 3-4 colours and stick with it. Test your colours on a scrap of paper to make sure they work well together—keeping it simple speeds up the process.

Check the bonus tip, watch my today's video on YouTube: click here to watch

In that video, you can see 3 quick sketches I teach how to draw in my brand new lesson in PRO online course.

Learn how to draw interiors like a pro, master advanced sketching techniques, and take your skills to the next level. Check out online course PRO details here: click

Happy Sketching!
Olga Sorokina